I love to play the piano.

Thursday 13 May 2010

Wakey Wakey!


A new found love, courtesy of Georgie. x

Time flies

Ok ok so I have been a really bad blogger of late. Real life got the better of me...well the real life of a university degree. Thought it best I update before I reached the two month mark and my blog became inactive!

The dreaded dissertation has been handed in, phew. It took over my life for a period of time and even started appearing in my dreams. But after slogging away I handed it in on Monday with a mix of emotions...excitement, relief, nervous, scared. Now it is handed in I can concentrate on the rest of my work, great. All will be over as of the 10th June and then I am NOT a student anymore, ok wow, that's scary.

I really cannot wait for summer and the fun times that will be had when everyone is home, let's hope the weather is good to enjoy the cultural day trips to Bolten Abbey and such places. Lovely.

Friday 26 March 2010

All by myself

A Friday night should not be spent at home, alone, doing work. But for me this is exactly how it will be spent, well maybe not a lot of work will get done and instead I shall watch films and paint my nails ready for Alex's 21st tomorrow night. She is having a masquerade mask themed evening which is pretty exciting I must say...I purchased mine a couple of weeks ago and it is a really sweet black lace bat-winged mask which is simple but effective. The others have been far more creative and hand made theirs so I will be looking forward to seeing the creations.

It has been yet another busy week, hmm these posts seem to be becoming rather repetitive, I guess that is third year uni life for you! It has been a productive week, on Monday for our dissertation project, Alex, Jaime, Sarah and myself (aka Trinket Creative) held our first workshop event for Media Talent Bank. It was about the wondrous world of social media, very exciting. The day went considerably smoothly and as far as I know people found it useful?! Another box to tick off our ever-growing list of things to do for our project...

After my moans last time about longing for the beautiful dress from Topshop I thought it only right that I rest your worries because I bought the dress!! It is simply lovely and was obviously meant to be because as I rushed into town for this one reason, I frantically searched Topshop's rails, nope not there (sigh) so I hurried over to Selfridges and there it was...just one left in my size, so I snapped it up without a second thought (ok that is a lie, I have had many thoughts of the naughty money I have spent, but then I look at it and all the guilt disappears, it's odd). So yes I am very happy and it will be making its first appearance at Georgie's 21st at the end of April, it seems so far away.

Ok enough of that, I am venturing home for Easter on Monday and I cannot wait. Even though I will be panicking and writing up my dissertation I am really looking forward to having some time away from uni and quality time at home, yay. Then I can come back in a week or so feeling refreshed and ready to bosh out all the work that needs to be done by June...not a problem. Nope.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Dress Money Fun

Oooh been a little while since I last posted something, time has run away from me! Cannot believe it is March already, and there are signs of warmer weather yay. Sun beaming through the windows but then you step outside and it is still a bit nippy so not quite shorts and t-shirt weather yet, booooo.

Another busy week has been had along with a delightful date last week at the ballet. Jaime and I went to see Birmingham Royal Ballet's performance of The Sleeping Beauty and it was absolutely amazing. It makes me want to dance although I would never have the skill and talent that they have. A stunning performance and my love for the ballet is building so I will be sure to go again, hopefully with my mum cos I know she loves it. The outfits - ah the outfits were gorgeous, very girly and sparkly and I just love the tutu, wish we could go around wearing them everyday...although a few odd looks may come my way!

Also speaking of dresses I have FALLEN IN LOVE with one I have spotted in Topshop, a little pricey for my bank balance at the moment but I am convincing myself it is an investment! Plus I need a new dress for my friend, Georgie's 21st in April and this one would be perfect. So I may be making a purchase this weekend, naughty.

But look how pretty it is:

It needs me and I need it.

I am really excited for this weekend because the parentals and Annie are coming to visit! T'will be lovely to see them and we are going for a delicious chinese on Saturday evening because I have been craving it loads lately, yum yum yum.

Thursday 25 February 2010

Weather = dull

I don't mean to rant but this weather is really starting to tick me off. As I look out of my window across to the delightful terraced houses straight opposite me, which is not exactly the most picturesque view anyway, but it is somehow made even worse with the enormous grey cloud hanging over. Not to mention the odd spouts of rain we have been getting all day - oh how I love England (which I know deep down I really do). From looking outside to looking in, my room is not much better. Sure there are the odd bright bits of clothing poking out from my wardrobe and the photos that are decoratively situated on my walls but the main thing that is missing is my lovely pink orchid.

Now might be the time to explain that orchid's don't seem to like me very much, I had a white one last year and I killed it. Well, I still choose to blame it on the freezing temperature my room drops to through the Winter. I thought I might have better luck with a second one, only this time it is a gorgeous pinky/purpley colour AND I didn't kill it!! But then winter came and the buds dropped off, leaving a very poorly looking pot of bark and since then I have been longing for it to bloom again.

Hopefully in the next month or so (or at least when winter ends) it will begin to bloom. I realise this is not the most interesting of topics but I am very fond of my orchid and am looking forward to its return.

Elsewhere in my life, things are still busy busy but have had a really successful week workwise. Our production project is well under way and we are currently organising a workshop for creative/media students at uni, although trying to bring in social media professionals and the like at a cheap cost is proving challenging. Negotiating is what it's all about and by the end of this project I will be a pro I'm sure of it!

Ooh and I sent an application off today to Lexis PR for their Generation Xpert scheme they run. It is a chance for graduates to experience the working world of PR for 6 months, training and building on our experience. It is based in London and I really like the idea of living in London for a bit. So we shall see what happens with that one.

Phew, this is it now...no more work for me today, I am getting far too excited about my friend Becki coming to visit this weekend! Need to start thinking about what we can do, other than the usual adventures consisting of shopping, drinks and the token visit to Pizza Express (one of my faves).

Good times ahead!

Wednesday 17 February 2010


So not much has been happening of late, boredom and work has taken its toll. Third post...not very promising. Still been finding the time to have fun with the girlies of course! Valentine's Day was just that day, had a great night at Hott Date at The Rainbow, a tad disappointing as it finished at midnight but we were having a great time busting out some moves to old school 60s through to 90s music. Oh yes, we were looking great.

Oh and our Valentine's spirit did not stop there, on Monday we went to see 'Valentine's Day' and one word to sum it up would be disappointing. With such a great cast I had high hopes of this film...sort of a 'Love Actually' esq type of film but nooooooo it did not live up to my expectations. There was just no catchy story going on, so if you fancy a trip to the cinema I recommend avoiding this film. But a couple of friends went to see Disney's 'The Princess and the Frog' which they loved so I am going to make a special effort to see that next week. Disney won't let me down.

I think that pretty much sums up my Valentine's weekend...much fun was had and since then work has taken overrrrrrr. Finally getting back into my dissy, research is underway and I THINK I am getting to grips with how to do a Discourse Analysis, or at least I hope so. As well as getting on with this I am on to my second article for The Blue Whale Blog I talked about the other day, and this time I am interviewing OST, previously known as Old School Tie. Another great band with a very different electro/alternative/rock style.

Listen to this one...a gig from Fieldview Festival they organised in 2009


That's all for now folks, hopefully I will have more entertaining news to share next time.

Friday 12 February 2010

Animal Kingdom - Chalk Stars

I've learnt how to embed videos now so here is that song from Animal Kingdom I was talking about.


Thursday 11 February 2010

New found love

Ok so I think I may have found a new love, the ballet! I went with the girlies to see Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake last night at the Hippodrome and it was just amaaaaaazing. It was my first experience of the ballet and so wasn't too sure what to expect but it was simply brill. The way they can dance makes me want to dance...although somehow I don't think I will be quite as good as them, not far off though.

Here is a sneaky peak at what we had the delight of watching...oooh the swans, looking mighty fine with their muscular frames.


Yes, that was a great way to spend a Wednesday night. That was just another occasion that's added to a pretty cultural week really. On Monday we visited the art gallery to take a look at the Bridget Riley exhibition. There was some great artwork there but it made my eyes go really funny, the lines and shapes, mixed with the colours play really weird tricks on you. Because of that I didn't last too long looking round as I could barely see. On the positive side her work is really interesting and makes me feel a little more educated about the art world which is always a plus.

In other news, I have come across a great band that I recommend you seek out called Animal Kingdom. They are kind of indie esq. and a bit of something else but I'm not sure what, ok maybe just listen to their new song which is a lot more mellow than others - an easy listen.


I found them out through some work I'm doing for Blue Whale Studios, a music production company at The Custard Factory. I'm interviewing bands that have upcoming gigs in Birmingham and then writing up an article which is posted on The Blue Whale Blog, http://bluewhalestudios.wordpress.com/ to give the bands some extra promotion.

It's quite exciting because I've not really done music promotion before so it's something new and it's keeping up with the old experience for the CV! AND I can get free tickets to the gigs, which I may well be taking advantage of. All is well really.

I could go on to talk about all the work I am busy doing, but I'll save that interesting info for another day.

Sunday 7 February 2010

Hello all,

I have been thinking about writing a blog for ages but always worried I would have nothing interesting to say! But I thought it was about time I give it a shot anyway, who knows this blog may never be read by anyone so in that case I can write as much boring stuff as I like.

Oh Summer where are you?! Winter so far: rain, wind, frost, snow, ice, nothing, snow, snow, snow, nothing, wind, and now fog. Eventful one might say. The snow times were fun times but now it is nothingness just a cold bitter wind that follows me around everywhere.

Trying to continue my plans for Summer, actually for my life in general. The end of uni is looming and I am starting to get a little scared. Oh.my.goodness. Many a thought is running through my head at the moment about where I want to be, what I want to do.........and I am really interested in doing a PR internship abroad, oh yes, Australia here I come! Well Sydney to be precise, this is the plan anyway: working back at home (the land of Leeds) for a year to save money money money, (and keeping up with my PR work experience) but then hopefully working abroad and then maybe, just maybe a little travelling.

I wish it was that easy, first I need to find a company that will have me in Leeds, and then I need to find a company who will have me in Australia.

Dreaming about this seems to be taking over the present, and so before all this is possible I need to write a dissertation, complete a production project (which I will explain another day) and complete Professional Studies. Yuuuuurp lots to do.

All will work itself out I'm sure but time is ticking by a little too quickly...

Back soon,
